NAME                         -Dr. Aung Than Oo

Father’ name              -U Kyin Hoke

N.R.C No.                   -12/MAYHAKA(N)155409

Date of birth               -8/12/1991

Gender                         -Male

Marital status             -single

Nationality                  -Myanmar

Height                         -5’6”

Weight                        -110 lbs

Other language           -English

Address                      -No.61 Aungtheik Hti Street , Mayangone Township, Yangon

Contact phone -           -09442627858, 095066281


Educational qualification-

M.B,.B.S, University of medicine 2

Public health fellowship at MASHAV MCTC of state of Israel

Master of Public administration (Aldersgate College, CSIS)

International Master of Public Health (Tsinghua University, China)

Master of Public Health (BRAC university, WHO TDR fellowship)

C.P.M.A (IQN UK), Rotary Peace fellowship

SAMA No                    -42241

MMA No                     - 18471

Fellowship at UNU IAS for DRR management and sustainable development

Transformative changes in agriculture and food systems, FSC summer school at SEARCA (3 weeks) which supported by DAAD, University of Hohenheim

Young leader of Pacific Forum 2019

Certification for Infodemic Manager Training by WHO Geneva (first cohort 2020 Nov)


Working experience

Public health training such as rural and urban field training at 2012

Studied food consumption pattern and risk of non-communicable d/s among urban and rural population of 32 selected townships by using cross sectional descriptive study

Community health field training at 2015

Data survey for most common incidence and prevalence d/s in Helgue Township

House officer training period from Jan 2015 to 2015 Dec

Paediatrics at Yankin children hospital about 3 months

Obstetrics and Gynaecology ,Surgery, medicine in North Okkalar general hospital  totally about 9 months

From 2016 Jan to 2016 April

Malaria consortium

o   Field supervisor at PD endline survey of DHF in Malaria consortium at Ayearwaddy region

o   Field team leader at National malaria indicator survey

Responsible for data quality management about for questionaries’ and collect field data from enumerator using ODK software

Supervising field data collectors for SMART for data

Analyzing data of end line survey


May 2016 to Nov 2016

o   Medical officer/ Assistant surgeon at AungSan TB Unit (Union of Tuberculosis) supported by Population service international  


May 2016 to Nov 2016

o   Medical Team leader at Active Case Finding mobile clinic team of National Tuberculosis Program supported by 3MDG

Yangon and Bago region in planning, implementation and reporting of mobile team activities

prepare completeness, functioning and security of X ray machines and accessories before and during field trips

To supervise X ray technicians to get good quality X rays

Prepare monthly stock consumption of X-ray accessories and projection report to respective TB RO

Take main responsibility for X-Ray reading and interpretation during mobile team visits


o   Administrative founder of Self Help group in Hlaingtharyar Township from 2017 Jan (implementation for strengthening of health referral system supported by UNOPS)






From Dec 2016 to 2018 March

o   Project officer for social accountability, Equality and inclusion sector (3MDG support) of TB ACF project, MDRTB project and MARC malaria project and MNCH project at Myanmar  Health Assistant Association under supervision of UNOPS.

o   In the area of Rakhine, Sagaine, Bago and Kayin ,Yangon state and regions- Responsibility for making to raise awareness among stakeholders and advocate for Accountability consents and supports for project staffs and government staffs, community meeting and face to face meetings with influential community representatives and key stakeholders, speaking up at coordination meetings in project site areas etc.,) Make good cooperation and collaboration with partnership and empower staff, THC/VHC and SHG members for their active participation in accountability process. Learn accountability practices, and also train staff and volunteers and establish community feedback mechanisms in place at project area and open accessible channels. I have handled the valid issues raised from target groups through the feedback mechanism. Bring the voices of beneficiaries or target groups to township level planning and coordination meetings. Monthly coordination meeting, meeting with TMOs and relevant authority for coordination and collaboration based upon issues. Submission of community feedback mechanism report to 3 MDG six monthly. Conduct training on social inclusiveness in health sector to prevent stigma and discrimination. Make Survey on women, leadership and decision making in health sector and conduct survey analysis of health care service. Support the analysis of data to better understand Gender and Health issue. Watch out about the conflict sensitivity analysis of Rakhine state before project implementation and throughout of projects.


From 2018 May to 2019 May

ASEAN My World 2030 focal point program focal point to Myanmar by UNDP Bangkok

From 2019 August to 2020 Jan

Asia Pacific My world SDG 2030 program advocate by UNDP Bangkok regional office

From 2018 April to 2019 Dec

Program officer/ Team leader (Humanitarians and child protecting sectors) at Danish Refugee council (DRC)

Organizing child protection activities through community groups and information collection and reporting, case management, research and project management, communication with international office. Management for child protection project team and humanitarian support team in Northern part of the Rakhine state, Deliver Technical support and develop management for monitoring framework, Ensure the quality of planning, implementation and fellow up of all technical aspect of the child protection activities being implemented byDRC. Develop and maintain good relations with the persons of concern, relevant stakeholders and other humanitarian actors, to support adequate implementation and coordination of DRC’s sector activities. Advocacy for the rights of children in their context of displacement, child protection case management, child protection rights monitoring, and mobile child-friendly space activities, including recreational and awareness-raising activities.  Lead Management and team (including people planning, performance, well-being and development) Ensure effective planning and quality implementation of the child protection activities, Ensure daily monitoring of program activities, Asses the daily quality of staff performance and implementation of programming. Provide technical support and inputs towards child protection programming – including case management, child protection monitoring, and child friendly space activities. Reporting-Programming & Operations; Ensure efficient and effective program implementation while following the budget and work plan, Participate in preparing monthly/quarterly/annual highlights/reports and proposals and budgets for donors, Lead the team in carrying out monitoring and evaluation exercises in coordination with the MEAL team,  Coordination and representation- Collaborate with relevant internal and external technical experts on child protection relevant issues, Represent DRC at child protection sub-sector meetings and other relevant technical coordination meetings, Ensure integration with other DRC sectors, particularly protection, GBV, and livelihoods, Project development; Develop project plans and budgets for funding, in coordination with the Child Protection PM, Develop projects tools, with input from the Child Protection PM and Protection Manager, Project implementation and reporting-Monitor and evaluate projects, in coordination with the MEAL team, Logistics/Finance- Support the monitoring of financial commitments and expenditures against budgets and provide timely feedback on budget follow-up, Plan and coordinate proactively logistics and movements of staff from and to different operational areas, Initiate procurements and ensure their execution- cooperation with the international organization, reporting to national working groups, management well for the research team, joint  cooperation with different projects of DRC

2020 Jan to 2022 Jan

Township Project Coordinator at World Health Organization Myanmar –Malaria Unit

Provide technical support to the Township Medical Office in high burden in micro-planning, implementation, supervision and monitoring visits of Township Malaria Control Programme activities supported by the Global Fund, we have make coordination with Township Medical Officer and State/Region Regional Officer and Team Leader regularly to plan and implement the activities and also support malaria control/elimination activities in nearby townships. Participate in coordination meetings with WHO and/or Central VBDC, DoPH as required, coordinate with WHO Scientist (Malaria Control) to receive timely technical guidance to support the Township Malaria Control Programme Participate in planning and implementation quarterly workplan, surveys and township malaria programme review. Capacity building for serve as resource person during planning, trainings, workshops, and M&E meetings related to the Global Fund supported projects. In transition to the WHO position, work closely with the other young field coordinators to transfer knowledge and simultaneously built capacity of the national programme staff. Surveillance, supervision, monitoring and reporting, In collaboration with National Project Coordinator, State/Region Field Project Coordinator, assist the Central VBDC team in township data management, data quality assessment, data analyzes, feedback to State/Regional VBDC teams and reports writing, Conduct field visits to monitor progress and identify issues and challenges in implementation of Global Fund supported projects. Provide recommendations to WHO Scientist (Malaria Control), to State/Region Regional Officer or Team Leader, and Deputy Director (Malaria) of DoPH for their consideration.


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